Friday, November 6, 2009

Internet Safety Tools that Can Protect Your Child

Internet Safety Tools that Can Protect Your Child

If you are the parent of a child or a teenager who uses the internet, do you take steps to protect them?  If not, you will want to start right away.  Although the internet can be neat for your child, it is important to remember that there are dangers that lurk online.

Since there are dangers that lurk online, such as the potential for meeting an online predator and the potential of being harassed online, you may be curious as to how you can protect your child.  Of course, you will want to discuss internet safety with your child and you will also want to set rules for your child to follow, but did you also know that you have other options?  One of those options is internet safety tools.

What is nice about internet safety tools that are designed for parents is that you have so many options. Typically, you will find that most of these tools fall under the heading of parental controls.  For information on ways that you can protect your child with the use of internet safety tools, please continue reading on.

The ability to rate websites and set levels for what you want your child to view online is an option that you have.  This often is featured in the safety tools that are provided by Internet Explorer, as well as other similar internet browsers.  What you do is decide what type of content your want your child to view.  Would you like to keep your child away from internet websites that use crude or violent language?  If you do, set your website level ratings to say so and the websites should automatically be blocked.

In addition to blocking websites through the use of website rating tools, you also have the ability to outright block websites.  This is another option that Internet Explorer gives you.  For example, if you would like to block social networking websites, like MySpace and Facebook, all you need to do is enter in the website address and hit the block option.  Internet Explorer also gives you the option to let a list of approved websites.

Keyword trackers can also be used; however, there are some individuals, including other parents, who consider them to be an invasion of privacy.  That is why it is important for you to use your best judgment and make the decision as a parent.  Keyword trackers work by recording each word that is typed by your child.  Many parents find keyword tracker programs a great way to catch their child if they think that they are communicating with someone older or a sexual predator online.  Keyword tracker programs are a nice option to have, but they do need to be purchased, as they aren’t free like many other parental controls.

There are also internet safety tool programs out there that work to keep your personal information safe.  This is a great way to make sure that your child doesn’t share personal information about themselves with strangers online.  Although these programs do vary, you can usually enter in information that you want to prevent your child from sharing online, like your phone number, email address, or home address.  The program, if it works properly, should catch the information before it is sent.

As you can see, you have a number of different options when looking to use parental controls to keep your child safe when they use the internet.  Additional online safety tools can easily be found with a standard internet search.

Internet Safety Tools that Can Protect Your Child Click Here Now

Parental Controls for the Internet: How to Use Them

Parental Controls for the Internet:  How to Use Them

Are you a parent who has recently decided that you would like to keep your child safe when they use the internet?  If you are, you may want to use internet parental controls.  They are one of the best internet safety steps that you can take to protect your child.  

As nice as it is to hear that internet parental controls can help to protect your child from danger online, you may be curious as to how they work or how you can get started with them.  Although you will find some variances, most parental controls for the internet are free, cheap, and extremely easy to set up.  

If you are using Internet Explorer as your internet browser, which most computer users have, you have parental controls that are built right into your computer!  How neat is that?  To set these parental controls, you will want to open up a new internet window, just like you would when surfing the web.  Next, select “Tools,” and then “Internet Options,” from the dropdown menu.  A new window will appear and then you can click on the “Content,” tab.  Enabling the content advisor will allow you to start protecting your child online.

Although Internet Explorer comes standard on most computers, there are some internet users who use FireFox instead.  If you are using FireFox, setting parental controls for the internet isn’t as easy as it is with Internet Explorer.  This is because there are not any built-in controls.  With that said, they do make it easy for you to get them.  The main website for FireFox has links to add-ons that you can easily use and install.  Many of these add-ons are free of charge.

AOL is another common internet browser that is used.  AOL also has parental controls that are easy for you to use.  AOL provides parents, like yourself, with the largest options.  In addition to customizing your options, AOL also has preset controls.  These controls are based on a child’s age range.  Even if you choose to set your own options, these are great guides to follow, especially if you are unfamiliar with computers.

Now that you know you have a number of different options, when looking to get started with parental controls, you may be curious how you can make the most out of them.  Some parental controls allow you to set ratings for certain websites and choose levels that you want to accept.  For example, Internet Explorer can allow you to block websites that focus on just fighting or you can go higher up and block websites that have blood and gore for content.  This option is nice, but it may unintentionally end up blocking some “safe websites.”

A more direct approach to take is to outright block the websites that you don’t want your child to visit.  The parental controls that come with Internet Explorer easily allow you to do this.  What you will want to do is perform a standard internet search to find these websites.  For example, if you want to block social networking websites, perform a standard internet search with the phrase “social networking websites.”  Any websites that you find, you can simply just add them to your blocked list.

As you can see, parental controls are easy to install and you have a number of different options.  That is why you should get them set as soon as possible.

Parental Controls for the Internet:How to Use Them Click Here Now

Rules to Set for Online Message Boards and Chat Rooms

Rules to Set for Online Message Boards and Chat Rooms

Internet Safety for Kids:  Rules to Set for Online Message Boards and Chat Rooms

Is your child or teenager interested in meeting new people online?  At this age, they aren’t very likely to meet the person in real life, but communicate through way of the internet instead.  As nice as this sounds, it is important to remember that it can still be dangerous.  Just because your child is talking to someone who claims to be another teenager, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are.  

Since it is relatively easy for false identities to be created online, especially for internet and child predators, you will want to set strict rules if you intend to let your child use online message boards and internet chat rooms to do this communicating.  As for what you rules you should set, it will honestly depend on your child’s age.  Teenagers may have a little bit more freedom, but still don’t let them use online chat rooms, online message boards, or the internet in general without at least a few rules.

One of the many rules that you may want to impose, concerning internet chat rooms and online message boards is approval.  Instead of letting your child pick which websites they want to visit, you can do so for them.  Favorite place the approved message boards and online chat rooms so that your child can easily find them.

As for how you can find safe chat rooms and message boards for your child to use, you will want to get started with a standard internet search.  Closely examine all of the websites that appear on your screen.  Are private messages allowed?  Most chat rooms and message boards for kids have them disabled, as this is how many internet predators target children.  Also, look for moderated forums and chat rooms, as this means that all content is reviewed by an adult.

You may also want to set rules as to when your child can use an online message board or an internet chat room.  For example, only allow your child to communicate and socialize online when you are at home or even in the same room.  This internet safety for kids step works pretty well, especially for teenagers.  They are less likely to have adult conversations, share personal information, or exchange pictures or videos when you are in the same room or when they know that they are being watched.

It is also a good idea to limit the amount of time that your child can use online message boards or internet chat rooms.  It often takes internet predators more than one discussion to gain the trust of a child target.  For that reason, you will want to be cautious if your child signs onto the internet at the same time everyday.  Ask your child if they can wait until later or start using the internet earlier.  If they can’t or don’t want to, they may be meeting someone online to talk directly to.  That is why it is always a good idea to limit when your child can use online message boards and chat rooms and for how long.

You should prohibit your child from posting pictures or videos of themselves online, as this makes them an easy target.  If your child wants to post a picture, have them pick out a generic picture online, of like a football or a flower.  Also, do not let your child exchange personal information online.  Remember that they are not the only ones in danger if your child gives away your address or phone number, as the rest of your family may end up in danger as well.

Child Safety Click Here Now

The Importance of Discussing Internet Safety with Your Teen

The Importance of Discussing Internet Safety with Your Teen

Are you a parent?  If you are, have you already had the internet safety talk with your child?  If you have yet to do so, this is a discussion that you will want to have.  Since many teenagers like using social networking websites, online message boards, internet chat rooms, and instant messaging programs, internet safety is a subject that must be discussed.

As nice as it is to hear that you should talk about internet safety and internet use in general with your child, you may be curious as to why it is important that you do so.  For your convenience, just a few of the many reasons why you should have the internet safety talk with your child are outlined below.

1 – They May Not Know

How old is your child?  If they are just starting to use the internet, they may be unaware of the dangers that lurk on many popular websites, including online chat rooms and social networking websites.  If your child has just started using the internet to research school projects, be sure you discuss internet safety with them, as it won’t be long before they realize that they can communicate with and make new friends online.

2 – It Is Your Job, As the Parent

Perhaps, the greatest reason why you should talk to your child about internet use and internet safety is because it is your job to do so.  As a parent, it is your reasonability to guide and protect your child.  Parents need to set some rules and guidelines with their children and the internet shouldn’t be any different.  You don’t have to completely outlaw chat rooms, online message boards, or social networking websites, but be sure that you set clear cut rules that your child will understand concerning their use.

3 – It Will Help to Keep Them Safe

As much as we would all like to believe that the world is filled with nice, happy people, it isn’t.  Unfortunately, many of those people, who may be child predators, are finding it easy to target children online.  Why?  Because the internet enables anyone to create their own identity.  While most internet users that you meet online are truthful, all it takes is one online predator to cause serious harm or damage to a family.  When you talk to your child about the dangers of the internet, you are keeping them well aware, which can help to keep them safe.

4 – You Can Teach Them What to Do

As for teaching your child what to do online, there are a number of different aspects that should be examined.  For starters, teach your child how to properly use the internet, especially chat rooms and social networking websites.  Let them know that they cannot discuss personal information or share pictures or videos with strangers.  You should also let your child know what to do if they are targeted or harassed by someone online.  This should involve coming to you immediately or saving all information, as opposed to erasing it from the computer, until you or the police can examine it.

5 – They Can Feel More Comfortable Talking to You

If your child is in high school or junior high school, they may automatically get defensive when you try to talk to them about internet safety.  This is because most kids believe that they already know all that is needed to know and others just assume that you are being an overbearing parent.  Despite this, discussing internet safety with your child in a calm and cool manner is likely to make your teenager feel comfortable about the issue.  This increases the chances of them approaching you when they run into trouble online.

As you can see, there are a number of reasons why you should talk to your child about internet safety.  Although this piece focused on discussing internet safety with teenagers, remember that internet safety is a lesson that can and should be started as soon as your child turns a computer on.

Discussing Internet Safety with Your Teen Click Here Now

What to Do If Your Child Runs Into Trouble Online

What to Do If Your Child Runs Into Trouble Online

Are the parent of a child or teenager who uses the interenet?  As much as we would all like to believe that are children are safe when using the internet, there are certain situations that may, unfortunately, arise.  It is important to remember that most children use the internet to communicate with their friends or to make new friends, not just to do research for school projects.  If your child finds themselves in trouble online and comes to you, do you know what you can or should do?

As it was previously stated, numerous situations can develop online that have the potential to be dangerous.  One of those situations is when personal information is exchanged with a stranger.  Has your child recently given away your phone number, address, or their email address to someone who they don’t really know?  

If so, be sure to change as much information as possible.  This may involve changing your home phone number or your child’s cell phone number or email address.  Be sure to take additional safety steps, such as always being aware of your surroundings, locking your home and car, and you may also want to contact your local authorities.  Be sure to talk to your child about the dangers of exchanging personal information online.  

In keeping with exchanging personal information online, your child may end up talking to an adult, thinking that they are another teenager or close to their age.  If that is the case, your child is likely dealing with an internet predator, who can be old enough to be a parent or a grandparent.  

If your child has made contact, intentionally or unintentionally, with an older person online, has any personal information been exchanged?  If so, change that information, like your child’s email address, cell phone, or even if your home phone number.  Make sure that the contact stops immediately.  Contact the authorities, school officials, and make sure that all family members know.  Get as much information you can about the real person behind the computer.  The police may be able to help you do so.

Many high school and junior high school students use social networking websites, like MySpace.  Unfortunately, many also mistakenly believe that it is a good idea to try to look “cool,” online and at any cost.  Your child may post pictures or videos of themselves online doing illegal activities, like smoking or drinking underage, stealing, or doing drugs.  

If this is something that your child has done, be sure to remove the pictures or videos right away.  If your child’s pictures or videos have been viewed by school officials or authorities, they may be facing punishment.  A lawyer should be called if your child is arrested.  If your child is suspended from school or extra curricular activities, speak to school officials.  What can be done by both you, the parent, and your child?
Online harassment is another common problem that children, namely junior high school and high school students face.  This harassment can be done by a complete stranger, an online friend, or a friend right at school.  When friends have a falling out or even just a simple disagreement, many turn to the internet to seek revenge, as it is easy to hide behind a computer.

If your child finds themselves a victim of online harassment, the authorities should be contacted.  This is particularly important if your child does not actually know, in person, the individual who is making threats or spreading harmful rumors.  If the individual doing so is a former friend or another individual at school, there are a number of steps that you can take.  If you know the child and their parents, consider arranging a meeting, but be cautious and use your best judgment.  Alternatives involve contacting the authorities or the school.

As you can see, there are a number of troubling and potentially dangerous situations that your child can find themselves in online.  Just make sure that you, as the parent, take steps to help and protect your child.

What to Do If Your Child Runs Into Trouble Online

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Helping Your Kids to Stay Safe when Using Social Networking Sites

Helping Your Kids to Stay Safe when Using Social Networking Sites

Social networking sites such as MySpace, Friendster, Yahoo! 360, and others may seem to be a good way for your kids to connect with their friends, know more about the people they meet at school, and to find new people online. However, these sites may also become a venue for online predators to search, know, and target your kids which may definitely put them in danger.

The question now for parents would be: How can I ensure the safety of my kids when they use social networking sites?

To answer this question, you need to focus on 3 things: personal identity, profile privacy, and photos.

Personal Identity.

This includes your kids' name, home address, home phone number, cell phone number, email address, school information, interests and others. Teach them not to post their personal information on these sites. Explain to them why. That way, your kids will know that it is dangerous. The alternative? Instead of giving their name tell them to use a handle; instead of complete address, just the state or town; and instead of using their primary email address, tell them to create a secondary dedicated for this purpose. And, tell them not to post their phone numbers online. The key is: be vague on posting personal information to their profile.

Profile Privacy.

Most social networking sites give options that will give the user the option to secure their profile from access. This way, the information that your kids have in their profile will only be viewed by people whom they are directly connected. This will also keep unwanted people from viewing their profile and using it in a predatory purpose. Thus, tell your kids to keep their profile secured.


Online predators often view photos of users to judge if that person is a good victim. So, to keep your kids from being a target, review all the pictures they want to post on their profile. Make sure that all photos they will post don't reveal identifiable landmarks that can trace them easily such as street names, doorsteps of your house, and plate numbers of your cars.

Other helpful ways in keeping your kids safe when using social networking sites:

Set clear rules about their limitations on using these sites such as schedule and frequency. Make sure you both agree on these. Also set a consequence if they break this rule.

Tell your kids not to post any blogs that contain their emotional vulnerability since online predators can use this as a weakness to victimize kids.

Finally, sit with your kids and make their profile open to your access. 

Helping Your Kids to Stay Safe Click Here Now

Internet Safety for Kids: Why Web Filtering Software is Effective

Internet Safety for Kids: Why Web Filtering Software is Effective

There are many ways to keep your kids safe while surfing the net. The best way of course is to sit with your kids while they are online and supplemented by strict guidelines on the "do's and don’ts of using the internet". However, even if you have done both of these, your kids will still try to sneak out from you and access bad sites and do things online that are included on your don't list…

That is if you don’t use a web filtering software.

What is a web filtering software?

A web filtering software is a computer program that lets you take control of the traffic happening on your computer. Since the internet is two way traffic (data comes from the web to your computer and vice versa), the web filtering software can block the entry of data from the web and block the request of the computer user to go through the web.

This way, internet-based treats in the forms of pornography, graphic images of violence, explicit content, sex, nudity, online sexual and financial predators, viruses, and spyware will have to pass through the security wall you setup with the web filtering software. If the sites or data requested are considered banned, the access won't go through.

Some popular web filtering softwares are Norton Internet Security, Cybersitter, NetNanny, CyberPatrol, K9 Web Protection, and ContentBarried (OS MAC).

What specific security features are included in a web filtering software?

•    Application Blocking
•    Chat Blocking
•    Chat Filtering
•    Chat Monitoring
•    Customizable Port Blocking
•    Editable Filter Lists
•    Email Blocking
•    Email Filtering
•    Filter Categories  
•    FTP Blocking
•    IM Port Blocking
•    Newsgroup Blocking
•    Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Blocking
•    Popup Blocking
•    Predator Blocking
•    Web traffic monitoring

Take note that different web filtering softwares have different features so it is important to choose the right software that fits your security requirements.

Why is web filtering websites effective in keeping your kids safe while using the internet?

It keeps your kids from opening …

•    websites and IP addresses you have blocked,  
•    predetermined programs such as instant messaging and chat rooms,
•    pornographic sites, and
•    websites with spyware and viruses.

It keeps your kids from downloading…

•    files from illegal sites,
•    using p2p programs, and
•    email attachments.

And most of all, it keeps you in control.

Internet Safety for Kids Click Here Now